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Learn from your failures and never give up on your dreams

Attitude, Attitude quotes, Barack Obama Amitabh Bachchan rules for success, Beautiful quote. vpyash, Dream quotes, Dreams, ENGLISH MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES, Motivational quotes vpyash, vpyash
Learn from your failures and never give up on your dreams

We must learn from our failures and never give up on our dreams

There is a lesson in every failure, try to learn don't give up

Failure never comes alone, it will always bring some lessons to learn and disappointment along it. Now, It is up to you what you want to hold on with. If you want to hold on to the disappointment then you will be demotivated and eventually may even give up on your dreams while if you learn the lessons from the failure you faced, you will make a better possibility for yourself to succeed. We must find the bright side of everything we see in our life. 
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