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Where there is will there is way

Barack Obama Amitabh Bachchan rules for success, Attitude, Attitude quotes, Ariana Grande rules for success, Amitabh Bachchan rules for success, Beautiful quote, Barack ObamaAmitabh Bachchan rules for success,ENGLISH MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES, Motivational quotes vpyash, vpyash
You only fail when you lose courage
Never lose courage

You fail only when you lose courage

There is this famous saying that where there is will there is a way which states the importance of your will to determine the success in achieving your goals. This 'will' develops only when you have the courage to face all the difficulties in your path. Courage is the fundamental requirement to fulfill your dreams and desires. A person who lost courage kind of lost the war. Failure comes when the courage within you diminishes and fear starts developing slowly. So, never let anything effect you, no matter what it is. BE COURAGEOUS ENOUGH TO DREAM AND TO ACHIEVE THEM AS WELL.

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