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Jack Ma's Top 10 Rules for Success - Inspiring

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Jack Ma Top 8 inspiring Rules for Success
Jack Ma's Top 10 Rules for Success

Jack Ma

  • Jack Ma is a Chinese business magnate who achieved major success and became a billionaire by founding Alibaba group, a family of successful Internet-based businesses.
  • Jack Ma started his business with $20,000 that his wife and friend helped him raise. 
  • He is the first mainland Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes. 
  • He is one of the richest people in the world with an estimated net worth of $22 billion. 


Jack Ma's Top 10 Rules for Success

  1.  Have a good name 
  2. Keep your dream alive
  3. Focus on culture
  4. Ignore the #LittleMan
  5. Get inspired
  6. Stay focused 
  7. Get used to rejection
  8. Customers are #1
  9.  Don't complain, look for opportunities
  10. Have passion

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